Oct 31, 2012

Happines is...

...colourful flowers...rescued from snowstorm...
...finally made myself a medicine bag...soft suede feels so nice on my skin...i'm wearing it close to the heart...this medecine is a poverful one...

...first snow came as a suprise...i haven't got over summer ending yet...just as i was preparing to accept the autumn the snow came...the heavy, wet kind of snow that is hard to showel and makes boots soaking wet in a matter of a minute...many trees broke under the heavy weight...i felt the silent pain hanging in the air as we walked through the woods yesterday...

...inside is warm and evenings are getting longer...time to make some more things again...

...today is helloween...lightening a candle inside a carved pumpkin is a simple yearly ritual...it's been years since we had a real carved pimpkin...we just put a candle in a little terracota strawbery...it mimics a pumpkin perfectly...
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